Friday, September 14, 2012

We're settled in China!

We’ve been in China for almost 3 weeks now! It feels like a lot more than that so I guess that means we’ve settled in.
Living in China is great, we can walk to the city and downtown from our apartment, and we have a driver who picks us up at 6:45am for the 15minute drive to school. Our school is on the outskirts of town and we pass many corn fields and farms, so it feels a lot like Chilliwack. It’s interesting to see how people farm in China, as most of the field work here is done by shovels and manual labour. There are tractors, but the look like motorcycle or generator engines attached to a long metal frame. These are used to carry the crops off the field, which get piled 15 feet high behind the driver!
 It’s hard to explain, but it feels like a small town even though there are 5 million people where we live, in the city of Kaifeng. We teach at a small school, in its second year of operation, there are approximately 100 students split between grade 10 and 11. Me and Alisa teach across the hall from eachother which is pretty neat! The school provides hot lunch for students and staff, so I think that makes life a lot better not having to pack a lunch. I think the food is good, but sometimes too spicy for me!

I will try to update the blog more regularly, but have been having trouble accessing it because China has controls on their internet and it hasn’t been working.



  1. Sounds like you guys have settled in nicely!

  2. Loving the pics!! Hoping there are more to come!
